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HundredX at BattleFin

HundredX has partnered with Boys and Girls Clubs of America to give you the opportunity to test out our one-of-a-kind listening platform. From now until January 31st, every quality opinion you provide generates $2.00 for BGCA!

About the HundredX Feedback Experience

  • Each month, HundredX Causes programs generate 350,000+ unique pieces of feedback on average.
  • Our feedback data has been collected for over 2.5 years.
  • After having collected nearly 8 million pieces of feedback, we see that the highest quality feedback takes around one minute to provide.
  • On average, supporters provide 30 pieces of feedback, generating up to $60 for the cause they are supporting.
  • Through the HundredX Causes program, HundredX has provided over $14 million in funding to over 700 causes nationwide.
A person is holding a cell phone with hundredx on the screen

Experience Our Platform

Scroll below to sign up and try it out today!

Interested to learn more about how we visualize our data? Contact our Sales team below.

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